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NPC isn't Join My Server - Printable Version

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NPC isn't Join My Server - HACKHERS - 21.08.2010

I have re corded npc's but they arent join my server, The Simples too How to fix it :S I cant Find any think

Re: NPC isn't Join My Server - Voldemort - 21.08.2010

You must record them from new

Re: NPC isn't Join My Server - HACKHERS - 21.08.2010

ye i know i made that but it doesn'T work too any 1 can give test npc in the Server files there arent work

Re: NPC isn't Join My Server - Nekrus2 - 21.08.2010

have you put ConnectNPC("npcname","npcfile"); on gamemodeinit or filescriptinit ?
i followed npc tutorial and made npc in less than 15min today morning so you can check whatever you missing there :]

Re: NPC isn't Join My Server - rbN. - 21.08.2010

Check the topic (link has been mentioned above), and did you change maxnpcs on your server.cfg to your amount of NPCs that you got?

Re: NPC isn't Join My Server - HACKHERS - 21.08.2010

damm i have know how to re cord npc i have in my 0.3a server but i re corded it does't works it doesnt work GL_NPC'S toO

Re: NPC isn't Join My Server - s0nic - 21.08.2010

Check your server.cfg..make sure you don't have maxnpc at 0.
See if that works?

Re: NPC isn't Join My Server - HACKHERS - 21.08.2010

Damm thanks a lot :S Default is 0 how can i know