#include <a_samp>
new fuel[MAX_VEHICLES]; //fuel per vehicle
forward timer_fuel_lower(); //timer for lowering the fuel value
forward timer_refuel(playerid); //timer to refuel vehicle
new isrefuelling[MAX_PLAYERS] = 0; //bool to check if player is already refuelling
new Text:td_fuel[MAX_PLAYERS]; //textdraw with fuel
public OnFilterScriptInit()//when the filterscript loads
for(new i=0;i<MAX_VEHICLES;i++) {
fuel[i] = 100; //sets every car's fuel to 100 in a loop
SetTimer("timer_fuel_lower",4200,true); //sets the timer to drop the fuel
return 1;
public OnPlayerSpawn(playerid)
td_fuel[playerid] = TextDrawCreate(45,324,"Fuel: 100"); //create the textdraw at position
TextDrawBackgroundColor(td_fuel[playerid],0x00000033); //setting an nice backgroundcolor
TextDrawFont(td_fuel[playerid],3); //font type of textdraw
TextDrawLetterSize(td_fuel[playerid],0.699999,1.700000); //size...
TextDrawColor(td_fuel[playerid],0x000000ff); //color
TextDrawSetShadow(td_fuel[playerid],3); //dropping the shadow
return 1;
public OnPlayerStateChange(playerid, newstate, oldstate)
if (newstate == PLAYER_STATE_DRIVER || newstate == PLAYER_STATE_PASSENGER)
new vid = GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid);
new string[125];format(string,sizeof string,"Fuel:%i",fuel[vid]); //quickly doing a small update on fuel (so it wont jump from 100 to its real value)
TextDrawShowForPlayer(playerid,td_fuel[playerid]); //showing if an player is a driver or passenger of the ar
} else {
TextDrawHideForPlayer(playerid,td_fuel[playerid]); //hiding if a player isnt driving/or an passenger
return 1;
public OnPlayerCommandText(playerid,cmdtext[]) {
if (!strcmp("/refuel",cmdtext,true,7)) {
if (!IsPlayerInAnyVehicle(playerid)) return SendClientMessage(playerid,0xFFC800FF,"You are not in an vehicle!"); //if a player isnt in a vehicle, it stops here
if (isrefuelling[playerid]) return SendClientMessage(playerid,0xFFC800FF,"You are already refuelling!"); //if a player is already refuelling, it stops here
if (GetPlayerMoney(playerid) - 80 <0) return SendClientMessage(playerid,0xFFC800FF,"You dont have enough money!"); //if a player doesnt have $80 anymore, it stops here
GivePlayerMoney(playerid,-80); //Sets the player's cash -$80
SetCameraBehindPlayer(playerid); //Sets the camera behind the player (looks better because the player will be frozen for a few secs)
TogglePlayerControllable(playerid,0); //freezes the player so he cant drive and refuel at the same time
isrefuelling[playerid] = 1; //setting isrefuelling to 1 so the player cant spam /refuel
TextDrawSetString(td_fuel[playerid],"Refuelling..."); //changing textdraw to /refuel
SetTimerEx("timer_refuel",4500,false,"i",playerid); //setting refueltimer
return 1;
return 0;
public timer_fuel_lower()
for(new i=0;i<MAX_PLAYERS;i++) { //loop for all players
if (isrefuelling[i]) continue; //stop when a player is already refuelling
new vid = GetPlayerVehicleID(i); //getting vehicle ID
if (GetPlayerVehicleSeat(i) == 0) { //if the player is a driver (it should only lower the fuel when theres an driver!)
fuel[vid] = fuel[vid] -1; //lowering fuel value
if (fuel[vid]<1) //if fuel is empty
fuel[vid] = 0; //setting fuel to 0 (else the timer will set it to -1 -2 -3 etc before removing player)
RemovePlayerFromVehicle(i); //remove player out of vehicle
GameTextForPlayer(i,"~r~You are out of ~w~fuel~r~!",5000,4); //show text
new string[125];format(string,sizeof string,"Fuel:%i",fuel[vid]); //preparing string with next fuel value
TextDrawSetString(td_fuel[i],string); //updating textdraw
return 1;
public timer_refuel(playerid)
new vid = GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid);
fuel[vid] = fuel[vid] = 100; //restoring fuel to 100
isrefuelling[playerid] = 0;//resetting anti-spam thingy :3
TextDrawSetString(td_fuel[playerid],"Fuel:100"); //small update on textdraw
TogglePlayerControllable(playerid,1); //unfreeze player
I know it looks more like a example how it looks like then a tutorial, but everything is explained step-by-step what it does and why it does. Which is categorisized as "Tutorial", so thats why i posted there.
I thaight it was nice to post, to help some beginners creating there own fuel system. |
When you post something, expect people to express their own opinion. Why don't you learn how to create a tutorial correctly and try again??
Well i didnt expect i needed to follow an tutorial to create an tutorial....
I made the script for myself experimenting how to make it , and it worked so i thaight this is helpfull for others too so thats why i posted this non-tut and added explainations on every line what it does and why. Anyways its still helpfull, people can see how it works, which functions they need and why so they can create there own. |
I wasn't criticizing you, I was sharing my opinion. You didn't really create a tutorial, so I pointed out what a tutorial would actually be. I apologize if I offended you!
i posted before that it dont uses up but it does ... it don't uptade but when i got out of car and get back in it was 71 for a sec then it gone back up to 100 (just textdraw)
When you post something, expect people to express their own opinion. Why don't you learn how to create a tutorial correctly and try again?
I believe you mean "sweet"? |