Linksys Portforward is not working - Printable Version
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Linksys Portforward is not working -
Marshall_Banks - 14.08.2010
Ok i tried port forwarding with port 7777 but its not working. the port forward tool keeps saying the port is not open or un reachable. i have no firewalls running or antivirus so i cant find out whats the problem.
Re: Linksys Portforward is not working -
90martins - 14.08.2010
Can you show us a screen shot of your router settings? I could help.
Re: Linksys Portforward is not working -
Marshall_Banks - 15.08.2010
heres ipconfig and port forawrd
Re: Linksys Portforward is not working -
Smokey619 - 15.08.2010
I think you are supposed to uncheck 2 boxes in security
Re: Linksys Portforward is not working -
Marshall_Banks - 15.08.2010
ya i unchecked them already
Re: Linksys Portforward is not working -
Marshall_Banks - 15.08.2010
i already tried that... and it still isint working. Would a vonage device have anything to do with it?
Re: Linksys Portforward is not working -
Marshall_Banks - 15.08.2010
it finnaly worked thx for the help