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DavZ | FiN (Mini Hydra Solo) - Printable Version

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DavZ | FiN (Mini Hydra Solo) - Davz - 13.08.2010

So, This video has quite a story. It started off as a regular solo. I had some great stunts and so on. But of course my Pc crashed. I lost insperation to continue. But now, I finally kicked myself in the ass to continue and finish it. It later turned into a duo... But of course - failed. So, with the stunts I had, I decided to just record them and edit them.
Now I'm pretty tired of San Andreas and decided that this was going to be my last video.
After 1 collab, 2 horrible edit tests, 1 quality test and 1 Best of - I am where I stand now in editing. I tried making this a bit extra special but if I succeeded. Well, that's up for you to decide.
Now, even though it's a Mini solo. It was supposed to be waaay longer than what it is now. But I just felt like I wanted it done so I shortened the song a fuck load and skipped a few stunts. (I got a few Org. left over if you'll ever need a hydra guest) Note: I'm not going to stop editing, I'm just going to continue on other games etc

But enough talking. Please rate and comment. oh and sub



Re: DavZ | FiN (Mini Hydra Solo) - Joe_ - 13.08.2010

Very nice DavZ.

[FU]Victious, stfu.

Re: DavZ | FiN (Mini Hydra Solo) - WillyP - 13.08.2010

Originally Posted by Davz
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The fact that instead of asking other people if they have a life, why don't you go consider whether you have one yourself.

excuse me?

Re: DavZ | FiN (Mini Hydra Solo) - Davz - 15.08.2010

Originally Posted by [FU]Victious
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excuse me?
Just get the fuck out will you?

Re: DavZ | FiN (Mini Hydra Solo) - StarScream - 15.08.2010

Well done Davz, really awesome work -- Keep it up & just ignore those empty comments.

Re: DavZ | FiN (Mini Hydra Solo) - Davz - 16.08.2010

Originally Posted by StarScream
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Well done Davz, really awesome work -- Keep it up & just ignore those empty comments.
Thanks, That means alot coming from you

Re: DavZ | FiN (Mini Hydra Solo) - Drift_King786 - 17.08.2010

extremely nice stunts!!
But, for SOME or a FEW of the stunts the camera angle wasnt very good but overall its just sooo awesome!!!

Re: DavZ | FiN (Mini Hydra Solo) - gamer931215 - 17.08.2010

damn nice job, good montage work too only yeah long intro, short video

Re: DavZ | FiN (Mini Hydra Solo) - Davz - 19.08.2010

Thanks alot guys!

Re: DavZ | FiN (Mini Hydra Solo) - SpiderWalk - 03.07.2011

Nice job.Which effect you use to be video little darken i like it which effect?

Re: DavZ | FiN (Mini Hydra Solo) - Rysoku - 04.07.2011

Over-Edited and crap stunts.