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if or else if? - Printable Version

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if or else if? - AiVAMAN - 12.08.2010

Hello, maybe someone can explain, what a different between
pawn Code:
pawn Code:
else if
? (:


Re: if or else if? - Westie - 12.08.2010

An if/else statement is called a conditional statement - if the condition is true, then that part will be evaluated.

There is no real difference between 'if' and 'else if' - except that the 'else if' will only be evaluated if the condition returns 'false'.

Let's say that this is your code:

pawn Code:
    iStatement = 2

if(iStatement == 0)
        This wouldn't be executed, because iStatement is 2.

else if(iStatement == 1)
        This wouldn't be executed, because iStatement is 2.

else if(iStatement == 2)
        This will be executed, because iStatement is 2, and there's a match.

All else if is, it's evaluated if that statement is false. The below example is exactly the same.

pawn Code:
    iStatement = 2

if(iStatement == 0)
        This wouldn't be executed, because iStatement is 2.

    if(iStatement == 1)
            This wouldn't be executed, because iStatement is 2.

        if(iStatement == 2)
                This will be executed, because iStatement is 2, and there's a match.


Re: if or else if? - AiVAMAN - 12.08.2010

Thank you. (: