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I'm searching a special animation: - Printable Version

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I'm searching a special animation: - Shadow_Gengar - 12.08.2010

[ame] index=12[/ame]

Can You say me witch animation this guy is using on most of his stunts? :P


Re: I'm searching a special animation: - Lorenc_ - 12.08.2010

I dont get it? What animation are you talking about? Do you mean how does he get those cool cam effects? A: Get CamHack

EDIT: Ohh they most be mods mate. Search parkour mods around

Re: I'm searching a special animation: - Hiddos - 12.08.2010

If you mean jumping backwards, it looks like a CLEO mod.

Re: I'm searching a special animation: - DiddyBop - 12.08.2010

Parkour mod.