Pawn version in SA-MP -
Minokon - 11.08.2010
I have a question. Why in SA-MP version of Pawn is 3.2.3664, no the new 3.3.4127. In 3.3.4127 Pawn has included more nice functions (ex. frename). More info you can find on offical Pawn site
Sorry, my bad english
Re: Pawn version in SA-MP -
Minokon - 11.08.2010
But functions included in Pawn is fast, yes? And why not version in SA-MP be 3.3.4127? It probably does not bother anyone
Sorry, if I understood you wrong
Re: Pawn version in SA-MP -
Jay_ - 11.08.2010
IIRC Kye said he didn't want to update the binaries.