SetTimer message spams the chat? - Printable Version
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SetTimer message spams the chat? -
lSCARl - 11.08.2010
I set A timer to say a message every minute and it floods the chat every minute how can i make it say the message once a minute instead of like 20? here is the code i use.
Under OnGameModeInit
SetTimer("newcommand1", 60000, true);
Rest Of The Code
public newcommand1(playerid)
SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_RED,"NEW! Type /alive to see the players that are alive");
return 1;
Re: SetTimer message spams the chat? -
JaTochNietDan - 11.08.2010
Originally Posted by lSCARl
I set A timer to say a message every minute and it floods the chat every minute how can i make it say the message once a minute instead of like 20? here is the code i use.
Under OnGameModeInit
SetTimer("newcommand1", 60000, true);
Rest Of The Code
public newcommand1(playerid)
SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_RED,"NEW! Type /alive to see the players that are alive");
return 1;
Well the way you're doing it is odd, you don't even specify a playerid when setting the timer. This would be a much better way of doing it.
pawn Код:
public newcommand1()
SendClientMessageToAll(COLOR_RED,"NEW! Type /alive to see the players that are alive");
return 1;
Re: SetTimer message spams the chat? -
lSCARl - 11.08.2010
Originally Posted by JaTochNietDan
Well the way you're doing it is odd, you don't even specify a playerid when setting the timer. This would be a much better way of doing it.
pawn Код:
public newcommand1() { SendClientMessageToAll(COLOR_RED,"NEW! Type /alive to see the players that are alive"); return 1; }
Wow Thanks youre the best fixed alot of problems with my game mode