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Skin for Teams - Printable Version

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Skin for Teams - almighty - 10.08.2010

Hey guys... I know this might have been asked already but i did some research (even with ******) and didnt found anything so... I was wondering if there is a way to make certain Skins avaliable for specifics teams... but... for example CJ is on team A and.... Mmmmm... Some other guy on team B... i dont wat that players on team B can see the Team a Skins... so if im on team B i can only see team B skins...

Re: Skin for Teams - Stah - 11.08.2010

pawn Код:
new PlayerTeam[MAX_PLAYERS];

public OnPlayerSpawn(playerid)
     if(PlayerTeam[playerid] = 1)
           SetPlayerSkin(playerid, skinid);
     if(PlayerTeam[playerid] = 2)
           SetPlayerSkin(playerid, skinid);

Thats one way of doing it, it might not be what you wanted but you can change it to what you want.

Re: Skin for Teams - almighty - 11.08.2010

Its not what i wanted... i was planing on doing it this way if i had no answer... what i meant if is its posible to show certain skins for certain teams on the select skin screen... Thanks anyway