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Facing camera screen - Printable Version

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Facing camera screen - Rolyy - 10.08.2010

Is there any command that faces your gaming camera screen?
Something like in SetPlayerFacingAngle but then as camera..
I dont want the camera to but stuck, or not to set the camera location..
Not SetPlayerCameraPos and not SetPlayerCameraLookAt

Just something like in SetPlayerFacingAngle but then as camera..

Re: Facing camera screen - Rolyy - 10.08.2010

Bump, 3rd page.

Re: Facing camera screen - Rolyy - 11.08.2010

Bump, 12 hours later.

Re: Facing camera screen - gamer931215 - 11.08.2010

What do you mean exactly ? You want the camera to look at an position ?

If thats the case:

Use SetPlayerCameraPos to set the camera position, and use this to set the angle:
SetPlayerCameraLookAt(playerid, x,y,z);

And else explain a little more please.

Re: Facing camera screen - MadeMan - 11.08.2010

Re: Facing camera screen - Rolyy - 11.08.2010

Something like that.. but I don't what that the camera sticks on the same position..
I just want it to face as the character.
Lets say playerid faces angle 175.0
Then I want the game screen/camera with the angle also 175.0 THEN they should be able to rotate the gamescreen / camera therselfs after.

Re: Facing camera screen - MadeMan - 11.08.2010

Then use SetCameraBehindPlayer

Re: Facing camera screen - Rolyy - 11.08.2010

This what exactly what I was looking for in a long time thought, Thank you very much.
I really appreciate this.