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ArmedWeapon function appears to be not working - Printable Version

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ArmedWeapon function appears to be not working - 0ne - 09.08.2010

I got this weird bug with ArmedWeapon func, i tried it on state change/onplayerupdate to set to FISTS but none of them worked, it justs keeps holding tec9, anyone know why?

P.S it works on other mode with the same 2ways.

Re: ArmedWeapon function appears to be not working - 0ne - 10.08.2010

Bumpty bump

Re: ArmedWeapon function appears to be not working - DiddyBop - 10.08.2010

Post the functions script plx.

Re: ArmedWeapon function appears to be not working - Mike Garber - 10.08.2010

ArmedWeapon function doesn't seem to be an Official function? Atleas does not exist.

If you're using a third-party include to have this function, post In that release-topic to get support.

Re: ArmedWeapon function appears to be not working - DiddyBop - 10.08.2010

Is this the function your reffering to?

pawn Код:
GetPlayerArmedWeapon(playerid) == /*Wep id*/)
              //Do somthing here.. like mstrbte.

Re: ArmedWeapon function appears to be not working - 0ne - 10.08.2010

You got to be kidding me right?,

SetPlayerArmedWeapon is the function if you didn't realize it.

pawn Код:
public OnPlayerUpdate(playerid)
return 1;
This doesn't work, tho it works on my other gamemode with the same code

Re: ArmedWeapon function appears to be not working - DiddyBop - 10.08.2010

i dont think you can set player armed weapon to 0 while they are in car.

Re: ArmedWeapon function appears to be not working - Hiddos - 10.08.2010

Weapon data, except those of SMG's & other window weapons, isn't updated whilst in a vehicle.

Re: ArmedWeapon function appears to be not working - 0ne - 10.08.2010

O rly? cause it works in my other script perfectly.