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Time Ban - help! - Mateusz. - 06.08.2010

Hello everyone!,
How can I create a command / ban that works in time?

/ban [id] [time] [reason]
Thank you.

Re: Time Ban - help! - willsuckformoney - 06.08.2010

are you using a certain admin script, or just want it for RCON admins only?

Re: Time Ban - help! - Mateusz. - 06.08.2010

I want it for the administrator.

Re: Time Ban - help! - willsuckformoney - 06.08.2010

what admin script you using?

Re: Time Ban - help! - Sergei - 06.08.2010

The easiest way is to do something like that.
new unbantime = gettime() + (length of ban in seconds)
You save that and whne player connect you check
if(unbantime <= gettime()) //unbanned
else //still banned

Re: Time Ban - help! - Mateusz. - 06.08.2010

willsuckformoney, No script.
Sergei, I am a beginner, you could write a mini tutorial?

Re: Time Ban - help! - MadeMan - 06.08.2010

Do you know how to make commands and how to save things to user file?

Re: Time Ban - help! - Mateusz. - 06.08.2010

I know how to command the ban, but do not know how to time.

Re: Time Ban - help! - Mateusz. - 07.08.2010

Someone help me?

Re: Time Ban - help! - Matite - 07.08.2010

It all depends on how you ban people (SAMP ban file or another system).

Also, if you want your timed bans to work after your server restarts then you need to code a system for that too.

That is why no one is helping... it is more complicated than it seems. You need to be more specific in how you ban people.