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Die in air bug - [KMA]DlennartD - 05.08.2010

I have some weird bug in my server, I don't know if its a script bug or a client bug.

I don't use any modifications, I re-installed a fresh version of GTA to test this.

When players jump with parachute, they die in air.
There are no objects blocking them, it happens everywhere in the server.


I hope somebody can help me to solve this because it's a really annoying bug.

Re: Die in air bug - Conroy - 05.08.2010

Maybe the object isn't visible, although it looks to me as if the object is still there.



All being the object, although red is the only part visible. You could still die if you hit the invisible part.

Re: Die in air bug - Mr187 - 05.08.2010

Originally Posted by Conroy
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Maybe the object isn't visible, although it looks to me as if the object is still there.



All being the object, although red is the only part visible. You could still die if you hit the invisible part.
That's what i am thinking as well, Must be an invisible object spawned, Even me and Fresh looked and this and that's all we can think can be causing this, Never had it happen to me befor and as i can see he does have custom objects around where hes dropping at.

Re: Die in air bug - [KMA]DlennartD - 05.08.2010

I don't think there are objects around, it happens everywhere in the server.
See the 3th jump in the movie, its near mount chilliad, there are no custom objects around that place.

I also did a test with all objects unloaded, but still I got this bug.

Re: Die in air bug - Tyler_Idy - 06.08.2010

On my server in random places there are random objects that you get stuck on, you cant see them, but they stop you like a normal object, you can stand on them and you can shoot them. Me and my friends call them "Invisoho" You probable have invisohos, but When I think about it, there shouldnt be some everywhere on the map...

Re: Die in air bug - erdei18 - 10.08.2010


Re: Die in air bug - almighty - 10.08.2010

Have you tried another GameMode?... With no filescript or anything special? try a new one with a command that sets you on the place were you die... and test it there... or those places

Re: Die in air bug - [DRD]Rodney - 10.08.2010

No objects, he falls on afther he dies...

also there is a bug with TogglePlayerControllable(); that makes you die, check it out

Re: Die in air bug - [KMA]DlennartD - 11.08.2010

Originally Posted by [DRD]Rodney
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No objects, he falls on afther he dies...

also there is a bug with TogglePlayerControllable(); that makes you die, check it out
well I freeze the player on teleport and unfreeze them 2 seconds later to load objects.

But now I tested it without teleporting and still I die

Re: Die in air bug - [DRD]Rodney - 11.08.2010

Maybe you made the timer a loop one?