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Score &money - Printable Version

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Score &money - Shockey - 03.08.2010

Guys plz help me can someone tell me or make it for me I
want I

so every 10mims uyou get a message saying

"Thankyou For Playing The Server Heres $5000 & +1 score"

and you get $5000 and 1 score

Re: Score &money - Mauzen - 03.08.2010

Start a 10-min-timer (SetTimerEx, give the playerid as parameter) in OnPlayerConnect, and kill it in OnPlayerDisconnect.

In the timer func, use SendClientMessage, GivePlayerMoney, and SetPlayerScore.

Re: Score &money - V1ceC1ty - 03.08.2010

pawn Код:
public OnPlayerSpawn(playerid)
    SetTimer("PocketMoney", 600000, true);
    return 1;

forward PocketMoney();
public PocketMoney()
    for(new i=0; i<MAX_PLAYERS; i++)
        new pMoney, pScore;
        GivePlayerMoney(i, pMoney+5000);
        SetPlayerScore(i, pScore+1);

Re: Score &money - Shockey - 03.08.2010

Thx vice city