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The reason why you registered on this forum? - Printable Version

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The reason why you registered on this forum? - malabalkann - 02.08.2010

The reason why you registered on this forum?
What do you like most?


<unfortunately this user is a spam bot but this thread can stay here for now>

Re: The reason why you registered on this forum? - Sergei - 02.08.2010

So I could use search.

Re: The reason why you registered on this forum? - WackoX - 02.08.2010

So i could post my first questions when i was a noob

Re: The reason why you registered on this forum? - Calgon - 02.08.2010

Originally Posted by Sergei
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So I could use search.
This. You had to register to use the search bar before (I think you still have to, not sure).

Re: The reason why you registered on this forum? - Saurik - 02.08.2010

Originally Posted by Calgon
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This. You had to register to use the search bar before (I think you still have to, not sure).
yes you still need to register...

i registered to help ppl and ask for help

Re: The reason why you registered on this forum? - ronyx69 - 02.08.2010

At first I registered so I could search. Then I asked for help. And then I helped some people.

Re: The reason why you registered on this forum? - MrDeath537 - 02.08.2010

Because I want learn more, post my scripts, and more

Re: The reason why you registered on this forum? - marharth - 03.08.2010

I completely forgot, I think I just registered to register...

Re: The reason why you registered on this forum? - Mr187 - 03.08.2010

lol at the message dugi left.

Anyways, I registered here a long long time ago and when i did i was told by SiN a little earlier to so do, And i forgot than after it was closed i decided i would to pay my respect to the topic here at gang forums so did so, And moved on .

Re: The reason why you registered on this forum? - Karlip - 03.08.2010

I encountered loads of bugs back then, registered to report.