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how can i make a cop car only - Printable Version

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how can i make a cop car only - Smokey619 - 31.07.2010

how can i make a script where if a player from team robbers enters the police model car he gets wanted

Re: how can i make a cop car only - Yamoo - 31.07.2010

Mhmm, is your script dynamic?

If so try this..

 if(DynamicCars[GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid)-1][FactionCar] != 255)
		    if(DynamicFactions[DynamicCars[GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid)-1][FactionCar]][fType] == 1)
		        if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pFaction] != DynamicCars[GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid)-1][FactionCar])

Re: how can i make a cop car only - Babul - 31.07.2010

public OnPlayerStateChange(playerid, newstate, oldstate)
	//your codes...
	if(newstate == PLAYER_STATE_DRIVER)
		new Veh=GetVehicleModel(GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid))-400;
		if (GetPVarInt(playerid,"Team")==TEAM_CIV)//you will need to modify that, iam using pvars
			if(Veh=016 || Veh=027 || Veh=032 || Veh=097 || Veh=120 || Veh=123 || Veh=196 || Veh=197 || Veh=198 || Veh=199 || Veh=201)
				new string[64];
				format(string,sizeof(string),"you stole a cop car (Model %d)",Veh+400);//add a %s with NameArrayOfThatCar[Veh]
	//your codes...
	return 1;

Re: how can i make a cop car only - Smokey619 - 31.07.2010

dint work

Re: how can i make a cop car only - ikey07 - 31.07.2010

On top

new CopCar[5]; 5 - Count your all cop cars


CopCar[0] = AddStaticVe...
CopCar[1] = AddStaticVe...


if(vehicleid == CopCar[i])