Tell me why.. [Funny] -
GaGlets(R) - 30.07.2010
Hm.. looked in samp-wiki.. searched for pickup types and whoot.. Saw some wierd things
Available Pickup Types
0-The pickup does not display.
1-Not pickupable, exists all the time. (Suitable for completely scripted pickups using OnPlayerPickUpPickup)
2-Pickupable, respawns after some time.
3-Pickupable, respawns after death
4-Disappears shortly after created (perhaps for weapon drops?)
5-Disappears shortly after created (perhaps for weapon drops?)
8-Pickupable, but has no effect. Disappears automatically.
11Blows up a few seconds after being created (bombs?)
12-Blows up a few seconds after being created.
13-Slowly decends to the ground.
14-Pickupable, but only when in a vehicle. Falls through objects made with CreateObject, etc.
15-Pickupable, respawns after death
19-Pickupable, but has no effect (information icons?)
22-Pickupable, respawns after death.
23-Pickupable, but doesn't disappear on pickup.
Type 1 - WTF How can it suit OnPlayerPickupPickup if you even cant pickup it... (RoflLol)
Type 19 - WTF if pickupable... so you can use it with onplayer pickup pickup
Type 22 - Yeah right, i will kill that pickup with my personal dildo...
Y.. someone is moderating sa-mp -wiki ?
Re: Tell me why.. [Funny] -
Steven82 - 30.07.2010
R u stupid or something? First
Type 1, means you can use it to display a building name "Los Santos City Hall".
Type 19, is the same as type 1, used to display gametext, or something.
Type 22, means it respawns after you die.
Overall, your just not paying attention.
Re: Tell me why.. [Funny] -
GaGlets(R) - 31.07.2010
Originally Posted by Steven82
R u stupid or something?
I will choose something... .
Y.. Try to use type 1 by yourself. An use OnPlayerPickupPickup callback (Not Timers)
I uderstood all.. just saying (that) there needed to write normal descripton about each type..
If you would think normal...
OnPlayerPickupPickup callback would work only if you pickup the pickup..
So how you can pickup non pickupable pickup..
Re: Tell me why.. [Funny] -
John_F - 31.07.2010
A pickup is a type of object, it doesn't dictate that you can in deed "pick it up"
the descriptions are fine.
OnPlayerPickupPickup doesn't only get called when you pick up a pickup, it also gets called when you stand ontop of a pickup which is type 1.
Re: Tell me why.. [Funny] -
cessil - 31.07.2010
I'm gonna go ahead and guess that English isn't your first language
Re: Tell me why.. [Funny] -
Steven82 - 31.07.2010
I don't think english is his/her first language.
Re: Tell me why.. [Funny] -
Saurik - 31.07.2010
hahahahahhah so funny?
Re: Tell me why.. [Funny] -
GaGlets(R) - 31.07.2010
HaHaha.. just wondered...
Dont go offtopicc Fo**
Re: Tell me why.. [Funny] -
Niixie - 31.07.2010
This Topic is funny, but only because your so dumb