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Remove player from a tram - Printable Version

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Remove player from a tram - Arrows73 - 28.07.2010

when I try to remove a player from a Tram, the camera of the player bugs (it stays at the tram).

I tried it with SetPlayerPos and RemovePlayerFromVehicle.

Any ideas?

Thanks in Advance!

Re: Remove player from a tram - Toni - 28.07.2010

Hey chris its me :P

Try using this:
pawn Код:

Re: Remove player from a tram - Arrows73 - 28.07.2010

Its funny but this bug doesnt occur when the tram spawns on the train tracks - only when the tram is on the tram tracks in SF

Re: Remove player from a tram - Toni - 28.07.2010

Just curious, is this for ww3 ?

Re: Remove player from a tram - Arrows73 - 28.07.2010

Worked, thx

No, its just for testing, wont be on WW3