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/create family .. [FS] ? - Printable Version

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/create family .. [FS] ? - Rocky Balboa - 24.07.2010

is there a fitler script where you can create families , like in god father ?

Re: /create family .. [FS] ? - willsuckformoney - 24.07.2010

you already made a topic for this so just bump it please instead of thread spam and i don't think anyone has made that yet, just ingame gangzone creater not family creater

Re: /create family .. [FS] ? - ScottCFR - 24.07.2010

No offense bro, I quickly learned on the forums people aren't going to help forever. You should do what I did and read the wiki. The ENTIRE thing!

Re: /create family .. [FS] ? - willsuckformoney - 24.07.2010

Originally Posted by ScottCFR
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No offense bro, I quickly learned on the forums people aren't going to help forever. You should do what I did and read the wiki. The ENTIRE thing!
There ya go, that's more likely all the help your gonna get on this topic...

Re: /create family .. [FS] ? - TheKingOfSamp - 24.07.2010

if you have godfather script i know that there , there is a command /createfamily [NGfamily] [Playerid] like this

Re: /create family .. [FS] ? - Rocky Balboa - 25.07.2010

well, my only question is that is there a filterscript to create families yes or now ?