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SAMP problem :S - Printable Version

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SAMP problem :S - a!DaN)_)-) - 23.07.2010

Erm i have a problem with my samp-server.exe

when i run it it only loads 16 filterscripts is that the max for SAMP or can you edit it and i know all my FS's work

any help please ??


Re: SAMP problem :S - TheKingOfSamp - 23.07.2010

did you add the filterscipts names to the server.cfg ? in FilterScript:

Re: SAMP problem :S - TouR - 23.07.2010



How many FS you got in your server.cfg?

Re: SAMP problem :S - Kar - 23.07.2010

samp 0.3 can only LOAD 16 FILTERSCRIPTs put some in ur gm wtf u doing with 16+ filterscripts anyways

Re: SAMP problem :S - MisterTickle - 23.07.2010

If I recall having too many Filterscripts raises ram usage. You're better off converting them to your game mode.

Re: SAMP problem :S - a!DaN)_)-) - 23.07.2010

YEH I SUPPOSE SO well i have all filterscripts becuase i just cant get enough of these on this forum do i just get the things under OnFilterScriptInit and out them under OnGameModeInit?

Re: SAMP problem :S - TouR - 23.07.2010

You have better start from here:

Good Luck

Re: SAMP problem :S - a!DaN)_)-) - 23.07.2010

lol why ?? cant i just transfer them?

Re: SAMP problem :S - Mike Garber - 23.07.2010

Best way to find out is to try, but basicly Yes, but you might need some code modifications If It gives you errors.

Re: SAMP problem :S - TouR - 23.07.2010

You can transfer small and simple FS... But i think you will have big troubles trying to transfer big ones