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[GameMode] [GM]Police And Terrorist[PAT]TDM - Printable Version

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[GM]Police And Terrorist[PAT]TDM - Dime - 23.07.2010

Police and Terrorist TDM
Here is my an old gamemode i made it for fun when i was borred.
Beginers can have fun with this gamemode.It is TDM.In San Fierro near airport Police fight with terrorist's.
There are 3 police(is blue color) and 3 terrorists(red color) classes.Gamemode have 35 vehicles and 2 pickups.No objects.If you die you lose 200$,if you kill someone you win 500$ and +1 score!


/para (is free)
/m4 (5000$)
/deagle (5000$)
/rocket (10000000$)
/sawnoff (10000$)
/sniper (1000$)



19,10,2010 changed download link

Re: [GM]Police And Terrorist[PAT]TDM - sTeAlthy [Brandon Brown] - 23.07.2010

Nice release.

Re: [GM]Police And Terrorist[PAT]TDM - Brian_Furious - 25.07.2010

Good work..

Re: [GM]Police And Terrorist[PAT]TDM - hab2ever - 26.07.2010

Good job

Re: [GM]Police And Terrorist[PAT]TDM - Kidemo - 26.07.2010

nice gm add some more commands like /terrorists shows the pos of terrorists

Re: [GM]Police And Terrorist[PAT]TDM - TheShadow - 26.07.2010

well,its nice.

Re: [GM]Police And Terrorist[PAT]TDM - [MWR]Blood - 26.07.2010

It's small, but nice.
Good job.

Re: [GM]Police And Terrorist[PAT]TDM - Dark734 - 27.07.2010

This is a Nice script, but i think that you should add register system with /stats command!

But your script is very nice!

Re: [GM]Police And Terrorist[PAT]TDM - Brian_Furious - 27.07.2010

Originally Posted by Dark734
Посмотреть сообщение
This is a Nice script, but i think that you should add register system with /stats command!

But your script is very nice!
Would not bad

Re: [GM]Police And Terrorist[PAT]TDM - nuriel8833 - 28.07.2010

Nice GameMode

Re: [GM]Police And Terrorist[PAT]TDM - zack3021 - 04.09.2010

Good work, keep it up.

Re: [GM]Police And Terrorist[PAT]TDM - SunnyBoy - 04.09.2010

simple but nice,good work

Re: [GM]Police And Terrorist[PAT]TDM - Cyp$1ooo$$ - 04.09.2010

Good joob man

Re: [GM]Police And Terrorist[PAT]TDM - Basicz - 18.09.2010

Simple Gamemode, but it's nice!