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[Application] Caneman's Teleport Code Generator [Version: 4.0] - Printable Version

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[Application] Caneman's Teleport Code Generator [Version: 4.0] - Crazycamel - 02.11.2007

Caneman's Teleport Code Generator [Version: 4.0]

I noticed a few people had made PHP based teleport Code Generator's! So i decided
to create one so instead of having to search the web for one, now all you need to
do i double click a simple icon on your desktop!

Changes v4.0:
* Choose your teleport location using a map of San Andreas (Coming to Easy Peasy soon)

Changes v3.0:
* No longer need to seperate the x, y, z coords, just put them in raw in the format "X, Y, Z"
* Copy Code Button Added! Now you don't need to use

Changes v2.0:
* No longer need to include " around your command or welcome message ("/command")
* You can now enable Teleportation with a vehicle!

Hosted by Virtual Scripting LUA & Pawn Tutorial Website

Virtual Scripting Centre

Re: [Application] Caneman's Teleport Code Generator [Version: 2.0] - Crazycamel - 02.11.2007

Version 2.0 Released!

Re: [Application] Caneman's Teleport Code Generator [Version: 2.0] - Killerkid - 02.11.2007

This is good, Good work

Re: [Application] Caneman's Teleport Code Generator [Version: 2.0] - Antironix - 02.11.2007

making it without this is way faster, if you are not noobish xD. Maybe make a thing like this:
Make just 1 line what you can fill and let you post this in it: Addplayerclass(bla bla), addstaticvehicle(bla bla). and it just creates the things you need. It's harder to make yes, but way faster then copy the x,y,z over and over again.(well if you are smart you can even do it now to.)

Just a suggestion .

Re: [Application] Caneman's Teleport Code Generator [Version: 2.0] - Darius - 02.11.2007

Good work Mack, I've seen the application in action.

Re: [Application] Caneman's Teleport Code Generator [Version: 3.0] - Crazycamel - 03.11.2007

Version 3.0 Released!

Re: [Application] Caneman's Teleport Code Generator [Version: 3.0] - Killerkid - 03.11.2007

You going fast you should do 0.1,0.2,0.3 as they are not big updates

Warning check your Source folder, there is nothing in it

Re: [Application] Caneman's Teleport Code Generator [Version: 3.0] - Crazycamel - 03.11.2007

Files Updated!

P.S: Im looking for ideas for code generators! do you have one? PM me

Re: [Application] Caneman's Teleport Code Generator [Version: 3.0] - nate660 - 03.11.2007

Why not make one for Vehicles and player classes for example

Vehicle Name:

Color 1:

Color 2:

X,Y,Z Coords:
Player ID:

X,Y,Z Coords:

Weapon 1:

Weapon 1 Ammo:

Weapon 2:

Weapon 2 Ammo:

Weapon 3:

Weapon 3 Ammo:

By the way nice script

Re: [Application] Caneman's Teleport Code Generator [Version: 3.0] - Crazycamel - 03.11.2007

What do you mean by that? do you mean to Create the AddPlayerClass and the AddStaticVehicle? or do you mean to explain them?

Re: [Application] Caneman's Teleport Code Generator [Version: 3.0] - Exuro - 03.11.2007

You should make an application that can create objects create teleport commands createvehicles, Allsorts.

Also if you could make the text box bigger and make the exe fixed single.

it would be amazing then

Re: [Application] Caneman's Teleport Code Generator [Version: 3.0] - Alejandro - 03.11.2007

this is really nice.

Re: [Application] Caneman's Teleport Code Generator [Version: 3.0] - herbis11 - 03.11.2007

hey a have errors when putting in amx.. like:

C:\Program Files\Games\Rockstar games\GTA San Andreas\Server\warriors madness.pwn(95) : error 010: invalid function or declaration
C:\Program Files\Games\Rockstar games\GTA San Andreas\Server\warriors madness.pwn(95 -- 5) : error 010: invalid function or declaration
C:\Program Files\Games\Rockstar games\GTA San Andreas\Server\warriors madness.pwn(7) : error 010: invalid function or declaration
C:\Program Files\Games\Rockstar games\GTA San Andreas\Server\warriors madness.pwn(7 -- 9) : error 010: invalid function or declaration
C:\Program Files\Games\Rockstar games\GTA San Andreas\Server\warriors madness.pwn(11) : error 010: invalid function or declaration
C:\Program Files\Games\Rockstar games\GTA San Andreas\Server\warriors madness.pwn(11 -- 14) : error 010: invalid function or declaration
C:\Program Files\Games\Rockstar games\GTA San Andreas\Server\warriors madness.pwn(11 -- 17) : error 010: invalid function or declaration
C:\Program Files\Games\Rockstar games\GTA San Andreas\Server\warriors madness.pwn(11 -- 17) : fatal error 107: too many error messages on one line

Compilation aborted.Pawn compiler 3.2.3664 Copyright © 1997-2006, ITB CompuPhase

8 Errors.

I don't Know what to write in #Include and new... or everything else..I just put in the code and thats all.. please help..

Re: [Application] Caneman's Teleport Code Generator [Version: 3.0] - Crazycamel - 03.11.2007

You need to make sure you put it in you OnPlayerCommandText function

Re: [Application] Caneman's Teleport Code Generator [Version: 4.0] - Crazycamel - 08.11.2007


Re: [Application] Caneman's Teleport Code Generator [Version: 4.0] - SaW_[VrTx] - 11.12.2007

Can you put mirror please Download link doesnt work!

Re: [Application] Caneman's Teleport Code Generator [Version: 4.0] - Francis[French] - 01.01.2008

Link is dead.

Re: [Application] Caneman's Teleport Code Generator [Version: 4.0] - Alejandro - 01.01.2008

damn i should have downloaded this while i had the chance.

Re: [Application] Caneman's Teleport Code Generator [Version: 4.0] - Crazycamel - 01.01.2008

sorry about that guys, i forgot to update the links

Re: [Application] Caneman's Teleport Code Generator [Version: 4.0] - Alejandro - 01.01.2008

Originally Posted by [NoS
Mack ]

sorry about that guys, i forgot to update the links
sweet. thanks man.