Convert color to string and opposite -
ikey07 - 19.07.2010
Now I stared to work on new clear self made GM, but I already can't figure out, it is posibble convert string to color and opposite, like, you can adjust your chat color by type color by self.
Re: Convert color to string and opposite -
Mystique - 19.07.2010
Well now it belongs on if you want to have a command like /chatcolour or just have a command with these params /talk [colour] [text]
Re: Convert color to string and opposite -
ikey07 - 19.07.2010
I want use it in many ways:
Like SCM instead of SendClientMessage - saw this somewhere.
For chat where leader can change chat color by type /chatcolor 0x0..... and than thats color saving into a file as string and than I can make SendClientMessage(playerid,colorstring[],text);
something like that
Re: Convert color to string and opposite -
Joe_ - 19.07.2010
If you understood a Hex you'd know that there's 4 values:
Red, Green, Blue, Alpha
What you should do is use sscanf:
pawn Код:
if(!sscanf(params, "ddd", r, g, b))
And you then have the values that the user imputted, for example:
/chatcolour 0 30 255
Then use the function (somewhere on the forums) RGBAToHex, which should convert it into Hex.
Then save the Hex to a file.
Re: Convert color to string and opposite -
ikey07 - 19.07.2010
That I know, I just think is it posibble to store for example 0x000000FF into a file as for example Color[]
and than read from file as SendClientMessage(playerid,Color[] ?
If I use
/color 0x000000FF
tmp = strtok(....
SendClientMessage(playerid,tmp,"Hello world!");
Re: Convert color to string and opposite -
Finn - 19.07.2010
Yes, just use sscanf for that.
Re: Convert color to string and opposite -
ikey07 - 19.07.2010
Done, done and done thx , its really help me out, everything working well