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[GameMode] ZombieMod Biohazzard v1.0 - Printable Version

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ZombieMod Biohazzard v1.0 - Kitten - 18.07.2010


Re: ZombieMod Biohazzard v1.0 - jertsa - 18.07.2010

Any screens?

Re: ZombieMod Biohazzard v1.0 - Brian_Furious - 19.07.2010

Nice nice nice good job

Re: ZombieMod Biohazzard v1.0 - DiddyBop - 09.08.2010

1179 lines, 350 are objects...

Nice simple little gamemode :P

Though, why stuf funder onplayerupdate o.o

Re: ZombieMod Biohazzard v1.0 - Kitten - 10.08.2010

?huh and this gamemode is way off i rather remove it then it should be released

Re: ZombieMod Biohazzard v1.0 - dorperez - 11.08.2010


Re: ZombieMod Biohazzard v1.0 - Anddos - 11.08.2010

cool script

Re: ZombieMod Biohazzard v1.0 - WardenCS - 11.08.2010

i really like zombiemodes,ill test this one out soon,i hope its great

Re: ZombieMod Biohazzard v1.0 - Kevin_Joshen - 11.08.2010

wow, simple, nice, short.

Very good job.

Re: ZombieMod Biohazzard v1.0 - Kitten - 11.08.2010


Wait Dont test it it has to many bugs and stuff i suggest not testing it this gamemode fails :[ i should i have never released it

Re: ZombieMod Biohazzard v1.0 - Kevin_Joshen - 11.08.2010

Originally Posted by Kitten
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Wait Dont test it it has to many bugs and stuff i suggest not testing it this gamemode fails :[ i should i have never released it don't beat yourself up over it. look how many good responses you're getting. just fix some of the bugs and re-release it, or sell it even!

Re: ZombieMod Biohazzard v1.0 - Kitten - 12.08.2010

i might make a update but why should i sell it its a simple script

Re: ZombieMod Biohazzard v1.0 - martino641 - 17.09.2010

How can i start this gamemode, i mean how do i set this up into my samp server..

Re: ZombieMod Biohazzard v1.0 - Vandooz - 17.09.2010

Originally Posted by Kevin_Joshen
Посмотреть сообщение don't beat yourself up over it. look how many good responses you're getting. just fix some of the bugs and re-release it, or sell it even!
Originally Posted by Kitten
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Wait Dont test it it has to many bugs and stuff i suggest not testing it this gamemode fails :[ i should i have never released it
I own a self-made zombie gamemode and i would like to test your script (doesnt matter if bugged),

and i can tell you my killing detection script is 5 of 100% glitched/bugged, but thats not much. Hope you will understand other zombie-gamemodemakers/serverowners also struggle with little problems in their script.

Re: ZombieMod Biohazzard v1.0 - Matej_ - 17.09.2010

Nice script

Re: ZombieMod Biohazzard v1.0 - ANTH1 - 18.09.2010

Nice! Can you make it on german please

Re: ZombieMod Biohazzard v1.0 - Kitten - 18.09.2010

i dont speak german you can recreate it as german and give me a link to put up

Respuesta: ZombieMod Biohazzard v1.0 - MrDeath537 - 18.09.2010

Nice kitten!

Re: ZombieMod Biohazzard v1.0 - Basicz - 19.09.2010

Nice gamemode Kitten!