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invisble in radar yet, non white nickname - Printable Version

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invisble in radar yet, non white nickname - aNdReSk - 16.07.2010

Invisible radar blip color is 0xFFFFFF00
but when u see the player's name, it's white.

Is there a way to use a let's say red color 0xD20000FF but still be invisible?

i use a timer that checks player status (class, wantedlevel etc) and sets player's color every second.

Re: invisble in radar yet, non white nickname - Hiddos - 16.07.2010

Re: invisble in radar yet, non white nickname - aNdReSk - 16.07.2010

"A chattext or player color looks like this 0xRRGGBBAA The RR is the red part of the color, the GG the green and the BB the blue. AA is the alphavalue. If you use FF there it will be displayed without transparency and if you put it to 00 it will be invisible."




to make it invisible i define it as 0xE377D000 ?

It's impossible for me to see my own blip so cant test right now

Re: invisble in radar yet, non white nickname - Chaprnks - 16.07.2010


too short