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Need Help Plz =( [Portugal] - Printable Version

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Need Help Plz =( [Portugal] - fmmalves - 11.07.2010


Hi have a RPG GM in my samp server.
In the middle of the map i have one object [id 4874] and i go to pawno search the id, i erase the line CreateDynamicObject(4874,1484.414,-1665.912,17.092,0.0,0.0,-90.000); and when i start the server it doenst desapire



Re: Need Help Plz =( [Portugal] - Lorenc_ - 11.07.2010

You might of deleted another object instead of that, maybe you had many objects of that object id. Try fetch the actual coordinates and compare them with the cords for the object id. If you get a match or close to it, it must be the one you have to delete.

Re: Need Help Plz =( [Portugal] - fmmalves - 11.07.2010

but my object is i know the coordenates

Re: Need Help Plz =( [Portugal] - Lorenc_ - 11.07.2010

If you were mapping by MTA, you could perhaps click on the object and press delete. Theres another way, you might need like a cheat script or something and go to a point on that object then do /save. To find the cords go to ur san andreas direc and search your savedpositions.txt. Now grab those cords and try compare them with the object you want to delete.

Re: Need Help Plz =( [Portugal] - fmmalves - 11.07.2010

But the object was there in GM when i download it

Re: Need Help Plz =( [Portugal] - Micko9 - 11.07.2010

Cheat script? LOOOOOOOOOOOOOL just add this

In OnPlayerCommandText

    if(strcmp(cmd, "/pos", true) == 0)
        new Float:X, Float:Y, Float:Z, str[50];
        format(str,sizeof(str),"Your Position : %f,%f,%f",X,Y,Z);
        return 1;
After that go ingame and go in The CENTER of your object, type /pos . Remember or Copy the numbers You will get, go in the FS and search for the numbers, IF it finds it remove the line, if not try searching for CreateObject with the similar numbers you got from /pos

Re: Need Help Plz =( [Portugal] - Grim_ - 11.07.2010

Did you make sure to save and compile the file?