New MSN version, what's your feedback? -
Hiddos - 10.07.2010
So microsoft made a new version of MSN. Thought I'd try it out for a moment, hoped it was an improvement. It fails like hell if you ask me, and it really would've made me suicide if I couldn't turn back to the old version.
In-case you'd like to download it, here's a link:
Give your feedback
BTW: When I pressed 'quit', it gave me an error that MSN stopped working. Some folks ¬_¬
Re: New MSN version, what's your feedback? -
Burridge - 10.07.2010
I haven't used messenger in yonks! Hate it tbh. I find that every new release makes it slower and slower.
Re: New MSN version, what's your feedback? -
MPKaboose - 10.07.2010
Its only for Vista and 7 :/ didn't like the older versions eider, just slow
Re: New MSN version, what's your feedback? -
Adil - 10.07.2010
Can you please post a screenshot of this? It will save the time for me switching back to the old one if I didn't liked it.
Re: New MSN version, what's your feedback? -
Guedes747 - 10.07.2010
Yes screenshots please, cbf to uninstall Windows Live Messenger and Plus! .
And regarding to this ******** updates thing, i already have this on my Plus! version, i believe they already added some of the Beta MSN stuff on the last update of Plus! .
Re: New MSN version, what's your feedback? -
Yeatric - 10.07.2010
I've been using it for 2 weeks now, I have to say they improved many things, like the ******* plugin. But I also noticed some REALLY annoying bugs like people are appearing offline for you while they are online, or you don't receive messages of other people and there were some crashes. I've switched back to Wave 3 now.
But after all it's still a Beta so there is work in progress.
Re: New MSN version, what's your feedback? -
Calgon - 10.07.2010
Here's my contacts list, with the new BETA:
I have ******** intergrated too, but I have the tab disabled.
Re: New MSN version, what's your feedback? -
Arsham7 - 10.07.2010
I use the latest!
Re: New MSN version, what's your feedback? -
lilswizy - 10.07.2010
I think it looks nicer
Re: New MSN version, what's your feedback? -
Grim_ - 11.07.2010
Originally Posted by Yeatric
I've been using it for 2 weeks now, I have to say they improved many things, like the ******* plugin. But I also noticed some REALLY annoying bugs like people are appearing offline for you while they are online, or you don't receive messages of other people and there were some crashes. I've switched back to Wave 3 now.
But after all it's still a Beta so there is work in progress.
Good to hear someone else is having this problem. I thought it was just me because my internet has these minor "disconnects" every few minutes.