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"strlen"?? help please... - Printable Version

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"strlen"?? help please... - introzen - 08.07.2010

Hey everyone. I've made a bank system using dialogs.. now i want to check the lenght of the bank ID... but I get an error:

pawn Код:
if(dialogid == BANKCREATE)
            new BankID = strval(inputtext[0]);
            new length = strlen(BankID); //ERROR LINE
            for(new b=0; b<MAX_BANKS; b++)
                if(BankInfo[b][bBankID] == BankID) return ShowPlayerDialog(playerid,BANKCREATE+1,DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX,"San Fierro Bank System","That bank account is already being used","Back","Cancel");
            if(length != 10) return ShowPlayerDialog(playerid,BANKCREATE+2,DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX,"San Fierro Bank System","Invalid Account ID. Please use a 10-digit Account","Back","Cancel");
            ShowPlayerDialog(playerid,BANKCREATE+3,DIALOG_STYLE_INPUT,"San Fierro Bank System","Type in a 4-digit password for your account:","Select","Cancel");
        return 1;
error 035: argument type mismatch (argument 1)

Re: "strlen"?? help please... - MenaceX^ - 08.07.2010

What is inside the strlen must be a string, not an integer

Re: "strlen"?? help please... - introzen - 08.07.2010

How to check the length of an integer then?

Re: "strlen"?? help please... - Hiddos - 08.07.2010

Put it in a string first then get the length.

pawn Код:
new BankID = strval(inputtext);
new length = strlen(inputtext);

Re: "strlen"?? help please... - MenaceX^ - 08.07.2010


Re: "strlen"?? help please... - introzen - 08.07.2010

Okey, Now I got a bigger problem... Solved the one with counting the digits...

Now, sometimes it doesn't save the account, and if it saves, it saves it as wrong account ID...

What's wrong?

pawn Код:
if(dialogid == BANKCREATE)
            if(!IsNumeric(inputtext[0])) return ShowPlayerDialog(playerid,BANKCREATE+2,DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX,"San Fierro Bank System","Invalid Account ID. Please use a 10-digit Account","Back","Cancel");
            new BankID = strval(inputtext[0]);
            new length = strlen(inputtext[0]);
            for(new b=0; b<MAX_BANKS; b++)
                if(BankInfo[b][bBankID] == BankID) return ShowPlayerDialog(playerid,BANKCREATE+1,DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX,"San Fierro Bank System","That bank account is already taken","Back","Cancel");
            if(length != 10) return ShowPlayerDialog(playerid,BANKCREATE+2,DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX,"San Fierro Bank System","Invalid Account ID. Please use a 10-digit Account","Back","Cancel");
            PlayerInfo[playerid][pBankID] = BankID;
            BankInfo[BankID][bBankID] = BankID;
            ShowPlayerDialog(playerid,BANKCREATE+3,DIALOG_STYLE_INPUT,"San Fierro Bank System","Type in a 4-digit password for your account:","Select","Cancel");
        return 1;