How to make RP Factions -
okobojiman1 - 08.07.2010
Ok, yes I have looked, and looked, and looked for factions. I know there were some awesome tutorials before the forum went down, but now all those links are dead. If someone could please provide me with a tutorial on making factions, from start to finish, and setting people to those factions it'd be appreciated. I don't want faction members to always have a certain skin and that sort of thing. Below are what I want for the factions. Thanks for the help!
•Teams/Flags/Factions, cars only openable to those teams/flags/faction, commands for each set of teams/flags/faction
-All factions still need to be added
-LVPD (Las Venturas Police Department), FBI, BCSO (Bone County Sheriff’s Office), SASP (San Andreas State Police), MCSO (Municipal County Sheriff’s Office), EMS, LVFD (Las Venturas Fire Department) Factions
-Gangs-Bounty Hunters, La Familia, 18 Street, Asian Bloods, La Nuerva
-LVPD gates open automatically for LVPD, FBI, SASP, LVFD, and EMT
-LVFD gates open automatically for LVFD and EMS
-Make cars only openable to a certain faction (PD opens for PD, FD opens for FD, etc.)
-/r-turns radio on and off-Can be used by anyone in a faction
-/freq ID-sets frequency for specific factions to view, each faction has its own frequency, frequency 0 viewed by all government factions-Can only go to faction frequency that you are a member of, or frequency 0 for government factions
-/911 MESSAGE, players can call 911 and will be displayed to all government factions-Can be used by all, don’t need cellphone to call
-/bu says “[Player Name] has requested backup at his location. Please respond code 3 to the GPS marker.” and it sets a marker at call location for all government factions (sets marker for government at /bu location)-Can be used by police
Tutorial on how to make commands for the faction
Learn how to make faction ranks
Accounts for factions (budget), paychecks, etc.
Re: How to make RP Factions -
mprofitt - 08.07.2010
Is there anything else we can do for you?
Re: How to make RP Factions -
okobojiman1 - 08.07.2010
Originally Posted by mprofitt
Is there anything else we can do for you?
I'm not asking you to make this I'm just trying to tell you what I need to be able to do so that you know what tutorial would be most helpful to me. Also, this is a script that was started from scratch, and is not a GF edit.
Re: How to make RP Factions -
Mystique - 08.07.2010
Umm, I won't make this long but the most common thing that you use is a variable stating what faction the player is in. PlayerInfo[playerid][Faction] == 1 means that the player is in faction 1 that for example can be the police. Then as you said you wan't faction members to spawn with a certain skin. Just do something like this under OnPlayerSpawn
if(PlayerInfo[playerid][Faction] == 1)
SetPlayerSkin(playerid, the skin you want);
Just mess around with that variable and you'll get pretty far actually.
Re: How to make RP Factions -
Hiddos - 08.07.2010
I'd say you'll need a lot of knowledge about variables, files and parameters.
Re: How to make RP Factions -
okobojiman1 - 13.07.2010
Can anyone lead me to a good tutorial?
Re: How to make RP Factions -
Thebest96 - 16.07.2010
i think no, because moderators delete tuturials... and QUESTIONS!