South Africa Cup winners? Who do you think will win? -
x Aviator - 05.07.2010
We, are almost done with the world cup for now and again in 4 years in brazil. So who do you guys think will win the world cup? The team i think will win is spain/Germany, mostly germany because they have a beast team and they play really good football unlike some other team.
Leave you're comments below i would like to hear
Re: South Africa Cup winners? Who do you think will win? -
IstuntmanI - 05.07.2010
I think will win Spain, Germany, or Netherlands, but i want to win spain, because them never won an Wold Cup and i like this team
Sorry for my bad english.
Re: South Africa Cup winners? Who do you think will win? -
DeathOnaStick - 05.07.2010
Germany will win! I'm sure! =D
Re: South Africa Cup winners? Who do you think will win? -
ThePro - 05.07.2010
NL wins, or Spain.
I don't want germany to win at all.
Re: South Africa Cup winners? Who do you think will win? -
[Ask]Terminator - 05.07.2010
better if you made a poll
AW: South Africa Cup winners? Who do you think will win? -
Velocity - 05.07.2010
Re: South Africa Cup winners? Who do you think will win? -
!CryWolf - 05.07.2010
Brazil is OUT
Re: South Africa Cup winners? Who do you think will win? -
TheDrifter - 05.07.2010
spain winner or........ germany
Re: South Africa Cup winners? Who do you think will win? - WackoX - 05.07.2010
NL Wins, but i hope Germany - Netherlands will be the final game.
We still need to get them back because of some idiot leading around '45.