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[GameMode] [GM]Gang wars 1.0 - Printable Version

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[GM]Gang wars 1.0 - Doom8890 - 23.06.2010


Finally I made something. What i made? It is GM by name Gang wars.

It is simple because this is my first game mode.

It's a standard Grove st. vs Ballas

As I said, this is my first GM so don't be hard


Read Readme for details

Before you say that this could everybody make, I am just gonna say: They didn't, I did. So some who doesn't want to waste time on making one can just download.

Re: [GM]Gang wars 1.0 - Sayaron - 23.06.2010

There already exists many turf war/gang war GMs around on this forum, but not bad as your first work. Keep up the good work man

Re: [GM]Gang wars 1.0 - Doom8890 - 24.06.2010


Re: [GM]Gang wars 1.0 - andreyeu2007 - 24.06.2010

More Info? BTW: Simple GM

Re: [GM]Gang wars 1.0 - Doom8890 - 24.06.2010

What more info do you want? And yeah it is my first GM so its simple

Re: [GM]Gang wars 1.0 - HyDrAtIc - 26.01.2012

Nice, But It's Simple '_' And I Like It I Will Test It Now....

Re: [GM]Gang wars 1.0 - Tamao_Serizawa - 26.01.2012

Nice and simple its good for a beginner...Im not hard.. Good luck to make a new GM..