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OnPlayerText (HELP PLEASE) - Printable Version

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OnPlayerText (HELP PLEASE) - shitstain12 - 23.06.2010

i want to make a script so if someone says a bad word in a sentence it changes it to "****"
so if a person says "hello all you fuckers" it changes it to "hello all you *******"
how can i do this?

Re: OnPlayerText (HELP PLEASE) - bigcomfycouch - 23.06.2010

new BadWords[][] = {
in onplayertext

new placeholder;
for(new i = 0; i < sizeof BadWords; i++)
	placeholder = strfind(text, BadWords[i], true);
	if(placeholder != -1)
		for(new x = placeholder; x < placeholder + strlen(BadWords[i]); x++)
			text[x] = '*';

Re: OnPlayerText (HELP PLEASE) - shitstain12 - 23.06.2010

thanks works well