I don't no if there is a topic like this -
bidden - 18.06.2010
Sa-mp freezes in server startup. Just says welcome to server and then freezes.
NB!! This only happens in LA:RP gm servers!
What shall i do?
Re: I don't no if there is a topic like this -
bidden - 22.06.2010
reinstall doesn't work!
Re: I don't no if there is a topic like this -
Scenario - 22.06.2010
You are probably banned from the LS-RP server...
Re: I don't no if there is a topic like this -
Mr187 - 24.06.2010
Its an error with LA-RP, We had it as well back in old days of PR-RP it can be solved but i forget how, But anyways yeah.. this is a GM error not a SA-MP client error.
Re: I don't no if there is a topic like this -
Crake^ - 24.06.2010
Then goto the servers website and report the bug there, not here, ktnx
Re: I don't no if there is a topic like this -
bidden - 24.06.2010
read first post correctly, it happens on LA-RP GM servers not LSRP or anything else
Re: I don't no if there is a topic like this -
phetreck - 25.06.2010
This was happening to me as well, but on every server when I first installed o.3a, I just re-installed the game, I know you have tried this, but anyone else with the issue who found this thread should try that. This probably won't fix it, but also try re-naming your GTA San Andreas directory to something else. If neither of those help, reply to this topic.
Thanks, Phill.
Re: I don't no if there is a topic like this -
wolfcock - 09.07.2010
i think it's LA-RP...