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Gate disappearing - Printable Version

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Gate disappearing - Galcio - 10.06.2010

Hello. I've lately started to get this problem when I close my gate with a command it just disappears. It turns invisible.

This is how my code looks like..

On top of script:
pawn Код:
new testgate;
In OnGameModeInit:
pawn Код:
testgate = CreateObject(971, 2488.9069824219, -1667.0736083984, 15.963682174683, 0, 0, 0);
In OnPlayerCommandText:
pawn Код:
if(strcmp(cmdtext,"/testopen", true) == 0)
            if(PlayerToPoint(30.0, playerid,2488.9069824219, -1667.0736083984, 15.963682174683))
            MoveObject(testgate, 2497.9738769531, -1667.1553955078, 15.963682174683, 1.500000);
            return 1;
    if(strcmp(cmdtext,"/testclose", true) == 0)
            if(PlayerToPoint(30.0, playerid,2488.9069824219, -1667.0736083984, 15.963682174683))
            MoveObject(testgate, 2488.9069824219, -1667.0736083984, 15.963682174683, 1.500000);
            return 1;
Note that this problem never occured until some days ago. If you know what the problem might be, don't hesitate to reply! Thanks.

Re: Gate disappearing - Assyria - 10.06.2010

Maybe you have too many objects and that is bugging it?

Re: Gate disappearing - Galcio - 10.06.2010

I don't understand why they would show at all if that's what you saying is true.

Edit: Plus I am using a streamer for all my other objects except the gates (39 "CreateObject"-objects, rest I'm using a streamer for). And it only happens when I use MoveObject on /closegate, but if I put SetObjectRot on /closegate instead it works, though. But I prefer MoveObject because it looks a better, so if anyone knows how to fix this, please tell me.

Re: Gate disappearing - Jakku - 10.06.2010

Some months ago, I had too many objects created without a streamer. It made my server crash sometimes, objects didn't load and disappeared sometimes. Are you really sure that you don't have too many objects created with CreateObject?

Re: Gate disappearing - Galcio - 10.06.2010

How many is too many?

Re: Gate disappearing - Jakku - 10.06.2010

Max. amount you can have without problems is 254.

Re: Gate disappearing - Galcio - 10.06.2010

Well, I have 39.

Re: Gate disappearing - Jakku - 10.06.2010

Post your gate code.

E: Sry, you already have it

Originally Posted by Assyria
Maybe you have too many objects and that is bugging it?
This isn't the problem, if he really has 39 objects created with CreateObject.

Which streamer are you using? I mean for other objects

Re: Gate disappearing - Galcio - 10.06.2010

Used to use rStreamer, but right now I'm trying to install an other streamer (Incognito's streamer). But now I'm obviously getting this error "Run time error 19:".

Re: Gate disappearing - Jakku - 10.06.2010

Use MidoStream. As I have heard, it's a good streamer. Try it.