Open Source SA-MP Server Project -
StunTEvo - 09.06.2010
Hi guys. I had an idea and I was wondering if it would spark any interest in the community if I were to pursue it.
I currently run the server Stunt Revolution (formerly stunt evolution.) I had an idea of making the server completley open source, and then have the open source community be able to assist in the development in the server. I would create a ****** code project with not just the main .pwn, but break everything down into server different components (such as OnGameModeInit.pwn.)
It would run like any normal open source project, people making contributions, then weekly I would compile it and it would run live on the already semi-popular server.. so you could see your work be used in practice without all the hassle of making a server or whatever it is you don't want to do.
Would you guys be interested in this? Or would I just be wasting my time?
Re: Open Source SA-MP Server Project -
Nushi - 23.11.2010
It sounds interesting as long as the object placement and "addplayer" would not conflict with the each others coordinates.
For instance, if someone wanted the skin 217 and wanted to spawn in SF, but, someone else wanted the same skin and wanted to spawn in LV, it would be difficult to allow that.
Or if someone wanted to place aircraft at the 'old airstrip' in the desert. For instance there are 2 hangers and one large garage, if one person wanted a dodo in both hangers, but, someone else wanted to rustlers in the 2 hangers as well, that would be a problem.
Re: Open Source SA-MP Server Project -
Camacorn - 23.11.2010
I dont see how this would really work, because what if two people wanted to edit the same file at the same time? And what if someone just went in, deleted everything, then uploaded it. Would screw it all up.
Im just guessing this would happen. Ive never used ****** Code so i dont know how it works.
Re: Open Source SA-MP Server Project -
Mauzen - 23.11.2010
Originally Posted by Camacorn
I dont see how this would really work, because what if two people wanted to edit the same file at the same time? And what if someone just went in, deleted everything, then uploaded it. Would screw it all up.
Im just guessing this would happen. Ive never used ****** Code so i dont know how it works.
This is what a project management system like git or tortiseSvn does. It (beneath others) prevents errors that result from multiple changes in one file at the same time. I guess he would be using one for the project.
The object placement will be a bigger problem, but its not impossible to solve, would just be some work to remove double objects on the same position.
Re: Open Source SA-MP Server Project -
Memoryz - 23.11.2010
So basically you want people to code for you, and possibly add malicious code into the project?
Sounds good.
Re: Open Source SA-MP Server Project -
Hal - 23.11.2010
people would mess up other peoples scripts that they made. So i make a biz system, and someone else makes a house system, and the guy who made the house sys AFTER i made my sys, can possibly mess my script up, and render some features useless.
Re: Open Source SA-MP Server Project -
Camacorn - 24.11.2010
I dont mean to be a downer, but i seriously think this is just a way to get some good old free scripting. Then just close the project and yet still keep the scripting for a future server.
I could be wrong but heck just an opinion.
Re: Open Source SA-MP Server Project -
iggy1 - 24.11.2010
I wouldn't worry to much the guys last post was in may!