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Ammunation Guy - Arrows73 - 06.06.2010

sometimes when I start / restart my server, that Ammunation guy sits in the Ammunation and sometimes not. It seems to be random whether he is there or not.

The interiors are not disabled (DisableInteriorEnterExits) and the player enters the ammunation via the ammunation entrances.

I dont have any SetPlayerShopName's in my script and even if I add them, the bug occurs.

Any ideas why this happens?

Thx in advance

Re: Ammunation Guy - Sergei - 06.06.2010

Maybe he goes to toilet or something?

Anyway, do you use any filterscripts?

Re: Ammunation Guy - Arrows73 - 06.06.2010


No I dont use any filterscripts (yet)

Re: Ammunation Guy - Arrows73 - 06.06.2010

Has nobody got an idea?

Re: Ammunation Guy - Arrows73 - 07.06.2010

Ive searched for the bug now and it seems to me that after about 5 minutes of Server uptime (5 minutes after the last server start) the Ammunation Guy appears and stays there.

Did anyone else have this issue yet?