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╔►Weak Killer Kicker v2.0 REMAKE◄╗ - Printable Version

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╔►Weak Killer Kicker v2.0 REMAKE◄╗ - Bcklup - 06.06.2010

╔►What is this◄╗

It's a Very Simple Script for PRO-DM/TDM servers where
it kicks someone who hasn't Reached the Minumum Kills Limit
at the Time Limit
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╔►I Think I've seen this before◄╗

Your right this is the old FS i made, it was a Hell of a FAIL so i thought
of remaking it now that I'm a bit better in Scripting

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╔►What Changed since the past release?◄╗

I might say ALMOST everything

•More On Connection/Player Based timers(fixed from v1)
•ALMOST all settings Changable In-Game(Enabled/Disabled,Time Limit,Minumum Kills)
•Warning Messages
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'/weakkickon' - Turns Weak Killer Kicker ON
'/weakkickoff' - Turns Weak Killer Kicker OFF
'/setwktimer' - Sets Time Limit
'/setminkills' - Sets Minimum Kills
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SolidFiles(AMX + PWN)

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•DracoBlue - DCMD
•Y_Less - SSCANF

Re: ╔►Weak Killer Kicker v2.0 REMAKE◄╗ - jameskmonger - 06.06.2010

Not a bad idea

Re: ╔►Weak Killer Kicker v2.0 REMAKE◄╗ - Bcklup - 06.06.2010

Originally Posted by jameskmonger
Not a bad idea
i was just reviving this script cuz i have nothing to release YET

Re: ╔►Weak Killer Kicker v2.0 REMAKE◄╗ - [MSc]SysRq - 06.06.2010

Nice, but easy to make something like that ;p

Re: ╔►Weak Killer Kicker v2.0 REMAKE◄╗ - Bcklup - 06.06.2010

Originally Posted by [MSc
SysRq ]
Nice, but easy to make something like that ;p
Hope you wont end up like the bug i used to have(Un-personal timers)

Re: ╔►Weak Killer Kicker v2.0 REMAKE◄╗ - DJDhan - 06.06.2010

Wow,a knock out system Very good idea.

Re: ╔►Weak Killer Kicker v2.0 REMAKE◄╗ - Joe_ - 06.06.2010

Very nice idea, though there's some things that should be optimized IMO.

You're creating string locally, you should create it global.
You're multiplying by 6000, which is 6 seconds, not 60 seconds. ( if that's what you're trying to do, multiply by 1 minute. )
And I believe (I'm not sure though) That if you are going to use more than one of the same function calls, assigning it to a varible is faster than calling it raw, but I think that's just a rumour, I don't know, it's in Y_Less's Code Optimizations thread.

Anyway good work, though this won't work until you've changed 6000 to 60000.
(Well it will, but it will multiply WKTIME by 6000, so the default val of 20 would be 120000, 2 minutes, instead of 20 minutes.)

Re: ╔►Weak Killer Kicker v2.0 REMAKE◄╗ - ragu1987 - 18.11.2013

Brother(Bcklup) i don't know where u get all this ideas ..all ur fs are cool...(that power fs system)