Encrypt -
Fro1sha - 05.06.2010
Fro aka Fro1sha
Allows you to encrypt any text, file (_file).
Create a unique key (_hmac).
Dimension hash:
sha1 - 41
sha2(224, 256) - 65
sha2(384, 512) - 129
md5 - 33
Copyright © 2010 Fro <TBG>
sha1(const text[], hash[])
sha1_file(const filename[], hash[])
Return 0 if successful, 1 - if fopen failed or 2 - if fread failed
sha1_hmac(const key[], const text[], hash[])
sha2(const text[], hash[], sha2_method:method=sha_256)
sha2_file(const filename[], hash[], sha2_method:method=sha_256)
sha2_hmac(const key[], const text[], hash[], sha2_method:method=sha_256)
md5(const text[], hash[])
md5_file(const filename[], hash[])
Return 0 if successful, 1 - if fopen failed or 2 - if fread failed
md5_hmac(const key[], const text[], hash[])
Encrypt Win+Unix
P.S. On Linux it was not possible to check
Re: [REL] Encrypt -
king s dm - 05.06.2010
Amazing work dude, but I'm still going to use Whirlpool
Re: [REL] Encrypt -
Woet - 05.06.2010
It's hash, not hesh.
Re: [REL] Encrypt -
Fro1sha - 05.06.2010
Originally Posted by Woet
It's hash, not hesh.
ok, sorry
Re: [REL] Encrypt -
[LDT]LuxurY - 06.07.2010
nice one!
Originally Posted by king s dm
Amazing work dude, but I'm still going to use Whirlpool
agree with you dude
Re: [REL] Encrypt -
JernejL - 31.07.2010
solidfiles link has died, does anyone have a copy of this?
edit: nevermind, it seems to work for everyone but me :/
[REL] Encrypt -
[NoV]LaZ - 31.07.2010
Originally Posted by JernejL
solidfiles link has died, does anyone have a copy of this?
The link works just fine for me; I've attached the .rar archive to this post.
Bdsm Movies
Re: [REL] Encrypt -
JernejL - 09.12.2010
I use this plugin, it's great, but i wish it had more options - for example a simple native 32 bit crc or adler would be a good addition - it's not powerful, but it would be a fair bit faster than doing it in pawn and useful to detect spammers repeating same chat lines - by just a plugin-lightspeed crc check.
Re: [REL] Encrypt -
legodude - 30.12.2010
indeed jernejl.
i still prefer adler to that indeed.
Re: [REL] Encrypt -
FreshDoubleX - 30.12.2010
Awesome dude, but I still prefer Whirlpool !
Nice job !
Re: [REL] Encrypt -
Matthewjames1 - 12.05.2011
Nice job, and you retards who keep saying "Nice job, I still prefer Whirlpool
." think if somone on your thread said "Nice, but I still prefer someone elses script"
AW: [REL] Encrypt -
The_Godboy - 19.05.2011
Please make ones for linux.. thats importent for me
Re : [REL] Encrypt -
human-product - 23.09.2011
Re: [REL] Encrypt -
GangsTa_ - 23.09.2011
Whirlpool is good too.. Good choice with MD5.
Re : [REL] Encrypt -
TheBest6 - 07.10.2011
Re: [REL] Encrypt -
Stylock - 08.08.2013
There's a bug when I try to use sha2_hmac:
Erorr native function sha2_file: Expecting 3 parameter(s), but found 4
I think it's most definitely related to this piece of code:
Encrypt_natives[] =
{ "sha1", n_sha1 },
{ "sha1_file", n_sha1_file },
{ "sha1_hmac", n_sha1_hmac },
{ "sha2", n_sha2 },
{ "sha2_file", n_sha2_file },
{ "sha2_hmac", n_sha2_file },
{ "md5", n_md5 },
{ "md5_file", n_md5_file },
{ "md5_hmac", n_md5_hmac },
{ 0, 0 }
Can you/someone fix it? I tried to compile it with code::blocks, but failed.
AW: Re: [REL] Encrypt -
Mellnik - 08.08.2013
Originally Posted by Stylock
There's a bug when I try to use sha2_hmac:
Erorr native function sha2_file: Expecting 3 parameter(s), but found 4
I think it's most definitely related to this piece of code:
Encrypt_natives[] =
{ "sha1", n_sha1 },
{ "sha1_file", n_sha1_file },
{ "sha1_hmac", n_sha1_hmac },
{ "sha2", n_sha2 },
{ "sha2_file", n_sha2_file },
{ "sha2_hmac", n_sha2_file },
{ "md5", n_md5 },
{ "md5_file", n_md5_file },
{ "md5_hmac", n_md5_hmac },
{ 0, 0 }
Can you/someone fix it? I tried to compile it with code::blocks, but failed.
Use Visual C++ since it is a VisualStudio Project
Re: [REL] Encrypt -
DandyCorleone - 04.01.2017
how to connect with website pcp if i wanna login?
example with whirlpool, use wp_hash
PHP код:
include "koneksi.php";
go('index.php', 'You already logged in.');
if(!isset($_POST['username'], $_POST['password']))
go('index.php', 'Please fillout all required forms.');
$query = $koneksi->prepare("SELECT `adminlevel`,`name` from `players` where `name` = ? and `pass` = ?");
$query->execute(array($_POST['username'], strtoupper(hash("whirlpool", $_POST['password']))));
if($query->rowCount() > 0)
$data = $query->fetch();
go('index.php', 'Succesfully logged in.');
$_SESSION['playername'] = $data['name'];
$_SESSION['playerlevel'] = $data['adminlevel'];
go('index.php', 'Wrong username or password.');
Re: [REL] Encrypt -
BroZeus - 05.01.2017
Originally Posted by DandyCorleone
how to connect with website pcp if i wanna login?
example with whirlpool, use wp_hash
It depends on which function you are using.
Here is list for in-game function and corresponding php function :
sha1(const text[], hash[]) - hash("sha1", $password)
sha2(const text[], hash[]) - hash("sha256", $password)
md5(const text[], hash[]) - hash("md5", $password)
(Not recommended to use this now)
Out of above three hashing algorithms sha2 is most secure
BUT now sa-mp has native function for sha-256 hash(
https://sampwiki.blast.hk/wiki/SHA256_PassHash ) so if you want to use sha256 use the native function.
However whirlpool is still better than the above hash algorithms.
Respuesta: [REL] Encrypt -
DarkChildren - 06.01.2017