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about cpu - [SF]RobMob - 02.06.2010

Hi my gamemode is about 13000 lines and im using 2 plugins my problem is when there is about 15 players on my cpu is this

CPU Usage: 2 %
Memory usage: 16.19 mb
Space in use: 57 mb

But for some reason about every 40 seconds sometime is less the that it spikes to this

CPU Usage: 56 %
Memory usage: 16.19 mb
Space in use: 57 mb

Ive tried taking off my plugins and filter scripts but still the same problem the cpu loads every 5 seconds and it only stays at 56 for then goes back to 2 % after the 5 seconds

this is a problem because when my server hits 30 players the cpu goes over a hundred and for some reason the server restarts .Any ideas on what it could be causing this?

Re: about cpu - Agent Smith - 02.06.2010

Have you got any timers? If so check how often its running and stuff.

Re: about cpu - azzerking - 02.06.2010

Please check your timers and make sure there is no other programs running and if your timers are like

1-3 seconds // that can cause restarts
100-150 secs // has got an error where if set here it can restart at certain points

Please Check Them!

Re: about cpu - [SF]RobMob - 03.06.2010

this is what i have for times in total

SetTimer("UpdateTime", 1000, 1);
SetTimer("ServerPoints", 1000, true);

Re: about cpu - Calgon - 03.06.2010

pawn Код:
Isn't that slightly excessive? Your timer runs every 200 milliseconds. Care to show the code which is called within this function?

Re: about cpu - [SF]RobMob - 03.06.2010

top of gm
forward Speedboost();
top of gm
new bool:SpeedBoostDisabled[MAX_PLAYERS];
My commands for turning it on and off

  #pragma unused params
	if (level[playerid] >= 4)
		for(new i; i<MAX_PLAYERS;i++)
			  SpeedBoostDisabled[i] = true;

	} else return SendClientMessage(playerid,red,"ERROR: You need to be level 4 to use this command");
	return 1;
  #pragma unused params
	if (level[playerid] >= 4)
		for(new i; i<MAX_PLAYERS;i++)
				SpeedBoostDisabled[i] = false;

	} else return SendClientMessage(playerid,red,"ERROR: You need to be level 4 to use this command");
	return 1;
And the public for the speedboost

public Speedboost()
	for(new i; i < MAX_PLAYERS; i++)
      if(SpeedBoostDisabled[i] == true)
			if(IsPlayerConnected(i) && !IsPlayerNPC(i))
  			new Keys,up,down;
			if(Keys &= 1024)
  				if(GetPlayerState(i) == PLAYER_STATE_ONFOOT)
					new Float:x,Float:y,Float:z;
					SetPlayerVelocity(i,x+(x / 4),y+(y / 4),z+(z / 4));
  			if(Keys &= 4)
    			if(GetPlayerState(i) == PLAYER_STATE_DRIVER)
					new Float:x,Float:y,Float:z;
					SetVehicleVelocity(GetPlayerVehicleID(i),x+(x / 4),y+(y / 4),z+(z / 4));
	return 1;