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Spawn something relative to the player. - Printable Version

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Spawn something relative to the player. - IcyBlight - 01.06.2010

Hey there.

Could someone explain to me how to spawn something in front of the player, or behind, or on the side, etc.?

Adding to the players coordinates is not what I'm looking for. I want the thing spawned to spawn in front of the players view, like, 10.0 units away in the players facing direction.

It's probably some shitty cos/sin-shit formula that I can't even be bothered to figure out myself, so if someone would enlighten me here, thanks.

Re: Spawn something relative to the player. - (SF)Noobanatior - 01.06.2010

you mean some thing like?
pawn Код:
stock Float:GetPosInFrontOfPlayer(playerid, &Float:x, &Float:y, Float:distance){
    new Float:a;
    GetPlayerPos(playerid, x, y, a);
    if (IsPlayerInAnyVehicle(playerid)) GetVehicleZAngle(GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid), a);
    else GetPlayerFacingAngle(playerid, a);
    x += (distance * floatsin(-a, degrees));
    y += (distance * floatcos(-a, degrees));
    return a;

Re: Spawn something relative to the player. - IcyBlight - 01.06.2010

Probably, gonna test it.

So how does that stock work?

GetPositionInFrontOfPlayer(players x, players y, distance I want in front of player)?

And why is there no z?

Explain please.

Re: Spawn something relative to the player. - jameskmonger - 01.06.2010

Originally Posted by IcyBlight
Probably, gonna test it.

So how does that stock work?

GetPositionInFrontOfPlayer(players x, players y, distance I want in front of player)?

And why is there no z?

Explain please.
Because you would add the z when you spawn it.

Re: Spawn something relative to the player. - IcyBlight - 01.06.2010

Alright so what does this return, exactly?

Confusing code, to me at least.

I assume it returns X and Y coordinates in the players facing direction, with a distance to the player as the one specified?

Like, returns "352.1234,1245.4321"? Or what?

Re: Spawn something relative to the player. - jonrb - 01.06.2010

Very briefly,
GetPositionInFrontOfPlayer(playerid,&Float:X, &Float:Y, distance)

&Float:X is the variable you want to STORE the X coord in
&Float:Y is the variable you want to STORE the Y coord in

You do not need returns

Re: Spawn something relative to the player. - IcyBlight - 01.06.2010

Originally Posted by jonrb
Very briefly,
GetPositionInFrontOfPlayer(playerid,&Float:X, &Float:Y, distance)

&Float:X is the variable you want to STORE the X coord in
&Float:Y is the variable you want to STORE the Y coord in

You do not need returns
So, basicly, like;

pawn Код:
new Float:frontx, Float:fronty, Float:pz, Float:pangle;

GetPositionInFrontOfPlayer(playerid, frontx, fronty, 30.0) // If I want the position 30 units in front of the player

GetPlayerFacingAngle(playerid, pangle);

GetPlayerPos(playerid, 0, 0, pz); // Dno if I need -1 instead of 0 here. I don't need the X and Y, just the Z.

CreateVehicle(560, frontx, fronty, pz, pangle, 1, 1, -1);
This would create a white sultan 30 units in front of me? Correct?

Re: Spawn something relative to the player. - jonrb - 01.06.2010

Try it, but it should

Re: Spawn something relative to the player. - IcyBlight - 01.06.2010

Originally Posted by jonrb
Try it, but it should
Tried, it worked, superb.

Thanks guys.