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A question on adding maps ( Script ) - Printable Version

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A question on adding maps ( Script ) - Badman - 31.05.2010


I need to ask that,

I made a map for my server, Where should I add it? Filterscripts,Pawno or what And what script should be there, means the script, ( I will add the map script)

I need the script and where to add it, Please help..

Re: A question on adding maps ( Script ) - MadeMan - 31.05.2010

First convert your map to CreateObject.

Then put these lines under OnGameModeInit in your script.

Re: A question on adding maps ( Script ) - Badman - 31.05.2010

Okay... I will try

* Edit * Thanks alot mate!!!

Re: A question on adding maps ( Script ) - Erikz[.Samp.] - 16.02.2011

i dont understand how do i add the objects to my server after i converted?