//=-=-=-=-=-Auto Messages=-=-=-=-=- #define AutoMsg1 "|______________________________Tips______________ ________________|" #define AutoMsg2 " The use of cheats in this server is not allowed and will result in a ban." #define AutoMsg3 " We would appreciate it if you follow all of our rules." #define AutoMsg4 " Use /saveskin to choose you favorite skin. (/delskin to cancel)" #define AutoMsg5 " Don't ask to be an admin, we will see if you are good enough." #define AutoMsg6 " If you like this server, add this to your Favourites." #define AutoMsg7 " Don't forget to have fun in this server." #define AutoMsg8 "|______________________________Tips______________ ________________|" |
new AutoMessages[][] = { "The use of cheats in this server is not allowed and will result in a ban", // you can add your messages here "We would appreciate it if you follow all of our rules" };
forward AutoMsg(); public AutoMsg() { return SendClientMessageToAll(0xffffffaa,AutoMessages[random(sizeof(AutoMessages))])); }
SetTImer("AutoMsg",10000,1); // 10 seconds. Change if you want any other interval
Originally Posted by DJDhan
If you want to use Automessages, use an array instead.
Eg: Код:
new AutoMessages[][] = { "The use of cheats in this server is not allowed and will result in a ban", // you can add your messages here "We would appreciate it if you follow all of our rules" }; Код:
forward AutoMsg(); public AutoMsg() { return SendClientMessageToAll(0xffffffaa,AutoMessages[random(sizeof(AutoMessages))])); } Код:
SetTImer("AutoMsg",10000,1); // 10 seconds. Change if you want any other interval |