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Help please,im beginner :) - kingdom99 - 25.05.2010

well..i compile my script on pawno..but it says

J:\Gta San Andreas\ser 0.3\gamemodes\Test 2.pwn(203) : warning 217: loose indentation
Pawn compiler 3.2.3664	 	 	Copyright © 1997-2006, ITB CompuPhase

1 Warning.
whats the problem with "Loose indentation"?

btw,im learning how to script,so..i just trying :P

Re: Help please,im beginner :) - cAMo - 25.05.2010

Paste the code around that line so we can help.

It basically means that you didn't indent the code where you should have...

Re: Help please,im beginner :) - ViruZZzZ_ChiLLL - 25.05.2010

Don't worry about those things, it just means that
you didn't indent your code. But, it will not affect on
how it works on the server.

#pragma tabsize 0
On top of scrpit. If your too lazy to indent it

Re: Help please,im beginner :) - Grim_ - 25.05.2010

Originally Posted by ViruZZzZ_ChiLLL
Don't worry about those things, it just means that
you didn't indent your code. But, it will not affect on
how it works on the server.

#pragma tabsize 0
On top of scrpit. If your too lazy to indent it
Please, don't encourage poor indenting!

It just means your script looks something like this:
pawn Code:
See how function2 is out of line with the others? Just line the beginning up with the others around that line and you'll be fine.

Re: Help please,im beginner :) - cAMo - 25.05.2010

Lazy = Fail

If you're lazy about indenting, it's very likely that your script lacks quality too.

Re: Help please,im beginner :) - kingdom99 - 26.05.2010

THANK YOU VERY MUCH!! just trying to help my friend's script

Thank you!!