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whats wrong with this timer thing? - Printable Version

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whats wrong with this timer thing? - hardstop - 24.05.2010

public Kalastamine()
    new playerid;
	SendClientMessage(playerid, ROHELINE, "* pььdsid kala kinni");
	PlayerPlaySound(playerid, 1057, 0, 0, 0);
	print("Taimer: Kalastamine");
no errors, no warnings

but ingame i have set timer to 1minut but it does nothin in-game it should add +1 item and play sound but it only prints Taimer: Kalastamine in console whats the problem?

SetTimer("Kalastamine",60000,true); //1 Minut
forward Kalastamine();

if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid, 10.0, 1438.7590,512.7771,18.7258))//Kalastamise koht
SendClientMessage(playerid, LILLA, "* alustasid kalapььgiga");
SetTimer("Kalastamine",60000,true); //1 Minut
new string2[256], pname[MAX_PLAYER_NAME];
GetPlayerName(playerid, pname, sizeof(pname));
format(string2, sizeof(string2), "%s pakib oma kalastus vahendid lahti ning alustab pььgiga", pname);
SendLocalMessage(playerid, LILLA, 7, string2);

Re: whats wrong with this timer thing? - DJDhan - 24.05.2010

Where is the Timer code?

Re: whats wrong with this timer thing? - hardstop - 24.05.2010

i edited look now.. iv put everything there but yeh

Re: whats wrong with this timer thing? - Fj0rtizFredde - 24.05.2010

Try with SetTimerEx Maybe a loop in the public Kalastamine() :P

Re: whats wrong with this timer thing? - DJDhan - 24.05.2010

Maybe some problem with the Anim or your pKalu variable?
EDIT: you don't get the message ROHELINE... ingame?

Re: whats wrong with this timer thing? - ¤Adas¤ - 24.05.2010


forward Something(playerid);

and then

SetTimerEx("Something", interval, repeating, "i", playerid);

and so

Re: whats wrong with this timer thing? - hardstop - 24.05.2010

il try

Re: whats wrong with this timer thing? - hardstop - 24.05.2010

With SetTimerEx it works Thnx for all the help

Re: whats wrong with this timer thing? - ¤Adas¤ - 24.05.2010
