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tutorials about timers??? - Printable Version

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tutorials about timers??? - pmk1 - 21.05.2010

hey guys i want to creat timers for some commands and stuff, but i'd like to learn it. I've searched for tutorials buti found nothing, not even on can someone give me a link for a tutorial or create one? thanks

Re: tutorials about timers??? - DJDhan - 21.05.2010



Re: tutorials about timers??? - ViruZZzZ_ChiLLL - 21.05.2010

Also, study this :
pawn Код:
// Put a SetTimer / SetTimerEx anywhere.

forward UnFreeze(playerid);
public UnFreeze(playerid) // this will be the effect
   TogglePlayerControllable(playerid, 1);


Re: tutorials about timers??? - pmk1 - 21.05.2010

thanks but i i'd like a tutorial like maybe how to make a timer for a command by example, and it would explain what to do

Re: tutorials about timers??? - DJDhan - 21.05.2010

Arite here's an example:

At top of the script
new timertime=1000; //1 second
new timer;
forward function();

public function()
return 1;
Now OnPlayerSpawn or anywhere:

timer=SetTimer("function",time,1); // 1 for repeating and 0 for non-repeating
What this will do is Send client a message every 1 second "Hello".

Hope this helps

Re: tutorials about timers??? - pmk1 - 21.05.2010

yea thanks djd, your really usefull

Re: tutorials about timers??? - DJDhan - 21.05.2010

Originally Posted by pmk1
yea thanks djd, your really usefull
Np (helpful :P)

Re: tutorials about timers??? - pmk1 - 21.05.2010

lol yeah helpfull