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[Not Fixed] 3D Text on vehicles - Printable Version

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[Not Fixed] 3D Text on vehicles - Futurezx - 18.05.2010

When i spawn i can't see the 3D text on the vehicle :S
pawn Код:
new Text3D:Objective_Vehicle;
Objective_Vehicle = Create3DTextLabel( "The objective", color1, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 400.0, 0, 0 );
Attach3DTextLabelToVehicle(Text3D:Objective_Vehicle, ObjectiveVehicle, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);

Re: [Not Fixed] 3D Text on vehicles - 0ne - 18.05.2010

Try removing Text3D: on Attach3dtextlabeltovehicle.

Re: [Not Fixed] 3D Text on vehicles - Steven82 - 18.05.2010

Originally Posted by 0ne
Try removing Text3D: on Attach3dtextlabeltovehicle.
exactly what your supposed to do.

Re: [Not Fixed] 3D Text on vehicles - Futurezx - 18.05.2010

Didn't work :S

Re: [Not Fixed] 3D Text on vehicles - Sergei - 18.05.2010

ObjectiveVehicle is not valid vehicle ID then.

Re: [Not Fixed] 3D Text on vehicles - Futurezx - 18.05.2010

it is =/