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Any scripter wanna help me? - Printable Version

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Any scripter wanna help me? - Luis- - 14.05.2010

I need some scripters, I cannot pay but any kind of help would be great!

The server ip -
The server name - [0.3a]Geramia Role Play

- Luis

Re: Any scripter wanna help me? - Luis- - 14.05.2010


Re: Any scripter wanna help me? - TheNuttyScientist - 14.05.2010

Originally Posted by Luis_Geramia
I need some scripters, I cannot pay but any kind of help would be great!
Why not learn to script? Go on the SA-MP Wiki for help.

Re: Any scripter wanna help me? - Luis- - 14.05.2010

Originally Posted by BlackBlood1337
Originally Posted by Luis_Geramia
I need some scripters, I cannot pay but any kind of help would be great!
Why not learn to script? Go on the SA-MP Wiki for help.
I have, I cant do it all on my own.

Re: Any scripter wanna help me? - TheNuttyScientist - 14.05.2010

Well, just keep going. You will be able to eventually. And you know where to go to if you need help.

Re: Any scripter wanna help me? - juice.j - 14.05.2010

As I already mentioned in another thread, scripting eats up a lot of time and can be actually called "work" - if done properly.

While I can understand your intention I have to disappoint you, you will most likely find no (good) scripter working for you for free.

Just helping you to understand why no one is answering

Re: Any scripter wanna help me? - kata_aga - 14.05.2010

Nobody wastes his time for helping others... and you can't say otherwise, because it's true...
I didn't understand too much from Wiki. When I asked for help, no one did help, EGO...

Re: Any scripter wanna help me? - juice.j - 14.05.2010

There is a difference between helping someone and delivering quality work for your community and purposes .

I am not trying to offend you or anything, I am just trying to explain why you don't get any positive replies. Relax, buddy.