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Textdraw stays stuck in ID 1's screen or higher id's - Printable Version

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Textdraw stays stuck in ID 1's screen or higher id's - ~Dangun! - 14.05.2010

title says all, i have used timers to hide the textdraw after 3 seconds but it isn't working for id 1 or higher, it only goes away from id 0

Re: Textdraw stays stuck in ID 1's screen or higher id's - RenisiL - 14.05.2010

added down
forward TimeTextForPlayer(playerid, Text:textas, time);
public TimeTextForPlayer(playerid, Text:textas, time)
forward DestroyTextTimer(Text:textas);
public DestroyTextTimer(Text:textas)
and use

TimeTextForPlayer(playerid, your textdraw name, time);

Re: Textdraw stays stuck in ID 1's screen or higher id's - Babul - 14.05.2010

check your arrays you used for each players like
the reason for the textdraw not working for IDs higher than 0 indicates that the pointer (ID here) points to 0 always.
make sure it gets count up by inserting a
new string[64];
format(string,sizeof(string),"hide textdraw for player id %d",ID);
into that loop, its easier to ckeck out if that variable counts up...