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help to script - Printable Version

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help to script - [MM]daivat - 14.05.2010

im a beggner for tell me in detail and in easy way to script /kick /ban /slap /mute and making server ,admin,missions,stunts,parkour ,dms and fun server.

Re: help to script - [MWR]Blood - 14.05.2010

Originally Posted by [MM
daivat ]
im a beggner for tell me in detail and in easy way to script /kick /ban /slap /mute and making server ,admin,missions,stunts,parkour ,dms and fun server.
There is no easy way to make it, if you are a beginner you can download some GM and look some scripts from it, this way you will learn Pawno.

Re: help to script - MastahServers - 14.05.2010

To kick people, the importantest string is: 'Kick(playerid);'
To ban people, the importantest string is: 'Ban(playerid;'

Re: help to script - ViruZZzZ_ChiLLL - 14.05.2010

Just download a FS Admin System