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OnPlayerUpdate Need Help: - Printable Version

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OnPlayerUpdate Need Help: - Micko9 - 13.05.2010

Does on player update everysupport :
-Score Update
-Weapon Update
-State Update
... ?

but moastly for the Money and score.

Re: OnPlayerUpdate Need Help: - juice.j - 13.05.2010


This callback is called everytime a client/player updates the server with their status.

This goes for all kinds of updates, such as weapons, money, states etc.

Re: OnPlayerUpdate Need Help: - Micko9 - 14.05.2010

Originally Posted by juice.j

This callback is called everytime a client/player updates the server with their status.

This goes for all kinds of updates, such as weapons, money, states etc.
so even for score and actually all that can change to the players stats ? nice. this will work just fine.

Re: OnPlayerUpdate Need Help: - juice.j - 14.05.2010

Remember a very, very important line tho':


Important Note: This callback is called very frequently per second per player, only use it when you know what it's meant for.

And check this one out: